SuperNatural Snacks ™

Minimally Processed for Maximum Energy

Organic • Gluten Free • Vegan

Eat Pure Energy

A big, satisfying snack to take on a long ride, grab after a run, or satiate a hungry mid day appetite. Wholesome ingredients with the nutrients sufficient to energize every body*. Organic ingredients, no refined carbohydrates, or added sugars. Pure, fresh foods for active humans.

Each snack is hand crafted with whole oats, fresh nuts, and delicious dried fruit, each ingredient has been selected for its health promoting benefits*, from the antioxidant rich cacao liquor, sweet goji and tart golden berries, to the organically grown hazelnuts, almonds and sun dried apricots.

Quality and flavor are key but health shouldn’t be compromised by adding refined carbohydrates like processed sugars or flours. Sassy Not Sweet Supernatural Snacks™ and Enlightened Chai Granola™ utilize whole, unrefined ingredients to build and replenish energy, which is a must for athletes and every other health conscious, active body.

*These claims have not been evaluated by the FDA

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